November 11, 2020

Should You Use Multiple API Management Developer Portals?

Developer Portal
Digital Transformation

Are you using multiple API management developer portals? You're not the only one. We've seen an increase in companies using multiple API management portals to support their digital transformation efforts.

Using multiple API management portals — such as Akana by Perforce, Mulesoft, and Axway — can get messy. This creates challenges to end users, API admins, and enterprise admins alike. 

In this blog, we break down the challenges with using multiple API management developer portals — and how to avoid them. 

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The Problem With Multiple API Management Developer Portals 

Offering multiple API developer portals hinders API usage among end users. Each portal provides a different user experience. Implementations are unique to every API management solution. As a result, end users are forced to navigate and consume APIs differently across each portal. 

This will be true for API admins and enterprise admins as well.

With multiple developer portals, API admins are required to onboard and manage APIs across multiple portal environments. And enterprise admins need the knowledge to administer, manage, and maintain each of the different API management portals — and their infrastructure across the enterprise.

This creates challenges as API management efforts scale. Managing multiple API developer portals is a huge problem. 

So, what can you do about it? 

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The Secret to API Management Portal success

The secret to API management portal success is to build a unified API management portal across multiple solutions.

It just takes a few steps. Then you can leverage the APIs of each API management solution to deploy and manage APIs through a single gateway. 

1. Choose the Platform For Your Main API Management Portal 

Choose which platform will be your main developer portal. It should be capable of calling external APIs. Keep in mind, not all platforms have this functionality.

Akana delivers this functionality — and more. 

2. Connect the Platform to Other API Gateways

Next, create API calls from this platform’s gateway to any other API management gateways being leveraged in the enterprise. In theory, this will pull all gateways into a single environment. All internal gateways will appear as a unified developer portal interface. 

With Akana, you can easily connect to multiple gateways. 

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Who Benefits From a Single API Management Portal?

Every enterprise stands to gain significant user experience benefits and organizational efficiency by consolidating their API management developer portals. A single portal streamlines usability for end users. And it simplifies key aspects of the API lifecycle

End Users

All end-users gains a single developer portal to browse and consume APIs.

API Admins 

API admins can now onboard and manage all APIs in a single environment.  

Enterprise Admins

Enterprise admins are only required to master one portal environment  — instead of many.

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Go Beyond the API Management Portal

Managing APIs is complex. And choose an API management portal isn't the only tough decision you'll face as your digital transformation strategy matures. 

Avoid Three Big Mistakes

To get additional tips and advice on your API management strategy, watch our recent webinar, The Future of API Management: Three Big Mistakes to Avoid.


Choose the Right API Platform

It's important to choose the right API platform to support your digital transformation initiative. That's why some of the world's biggest companies choose Akana.

Akana provides the easiest way to accelerate digital transformation in the enterprise. Akana automates security. And our platform is backed by longtime expertise and support.

See for yourself what sets the Akana API platform apart. 

Try Akana▶️ Watch a Demo First


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