Akana Recognized as Most Promising Banking Technology Solution ProviderApril 10, 2016LOS ANGELES, April 10, 2016 – Akana, a leading provider of API Management and API security solutions for Digital Business, announced today that it has been named one of the 20 Most Promising Banking Technology Solution Providers of 2016 by CIOReview. A panel of industry experts selected Akana based on an evaluation of the company's achievements and competencies in API Management and API Security solutions for banking and financial services. Akana helps businesses accelerate digital transformation with solutions for designing, implementing, securing, managing, monitoring and publishing APIs."I congratulate Akana on being recognized with the much coveted title and being a recipient of 20 Most Promising Banking Technology Solution Providers 2016," said Jeevan George, Managing Editor, CIOReview. "We are glad to showcase Akana this year due to its continuing excellence in delivering top-notch banking technology driven solutions."For information on Akana's financial solution see https://www.akana.com/solutions/financial-services.About CIOReviewPublished from Fremont, California, CIOReview is a print magazine that explores and understands the plethora of ways adopted by firms to execute the smooth functioning of their businesses. A distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs, IT VPs including CIOReview editorial board finalized the "20 Most Promising Banking Technology Solution Providers 2016" in the U.S. and shortlisted the best vendors and consultants. For more info: http://www.cioreview.com/Media ContactsPERFORCE U.S. Grace Bonacum PAN Communications Ph: +16175024300 perforce@pancomm.comPERFORCE UK/EMEA Maxine Ambrose Ambrose Communications Ph: +441183280180 perforcepr@ambrosecomms.com
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